Friday, October 7, 2011

Django Unchained

I recently found out about this new movie project that is being lead by Writer/Director Quentin Tarantino, the movie is titled “Django Unchained”. I can’t find much about the film expect for a small synopsis by Tarantino and some of the casting of the main characters.

“A slave-turned-bounty hunter sets out to rescue his wife from the brutal Calvin Candie, a Mississippi plantation owner. “

Now just knowing that Quentin Tarantino is writing/directing this picture, you know it’s going have an amazing story. I mean Tarantino is probably top ten movie makers of the 21st century. If you haven’t seen Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs or Inglorious Bastards stop reading this right now, slap yourself once and go to whatever place you rent movies from and enjoy a night of entertainment.

He stated back in 2007 during an interview that he want to do a spaghetti western with real issues. Saying that he want "to do movies that deal with America's horrible past with slavery and stuff but do them like spaghetti westerns, not like big issue movies. I want to do them like they're genre films, but they deal with everything that America has never dealt with because it's ashamed of it, and other countries don't really deal with because they don't feel they have the right to"

That’s pretty deep for a “pulp” movie maker.

If just knowing Tarantino was involved wasn’t enough to sell you on seeing this flick maybe knowing that the very talented actor Jamie Foxx is playing bounty hunter Django. This Oscar award winning actor can do it all. From action star in movies like The Kingdom and Collateral to serious actor in Ray and Law Abiding Citizen, I can honestly say just having this A-Lister in the movie is going to make it Golden.

And I know this is going to make sound like a broken record BUT if knowing that Tarantino and Foxx wasn’t enough to sell you on the movie, playing the part of Mississippi plantation owner Calvin Candie is the talented Leonardo DiCaprio. Although he has never walked away from the Oscars with an Oscar he has been nominated 3 times and I think should have been nominated again for his work on “The Departed”

Man, this star studded movie is going to make a lot of noise. But those two actors aren’t the only ones, its going to have veteran Tarantino actors Christoph Waltz and Samuel L. Jackson and rumored Kurt Russell.

I’ll keep your guys updated when I learn about it but Django Unchained is set to be released December 2012.

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