Thursday, October 27, 2011

Updates on Superman movie

So here are some updates on current Comic book Movie Superman directed by Zack Snyder.

So, Russell Crowe (who plays Superman’s dad Jor-El) tweets that him and Michael Shannon (who plays General Zod) have a fight scene in this movie. Which is new for all of the DC Universe, and is very exciting.

He tweets
“15km bike ride, umpteen hours of fighting Michael Shannon. He’s very hard to put down. Hard to tell who wins, we are still fighting tomorrow”

Michael Shannon confirms this in an interview saying, "We do have a fight sequence in the film. We worked on it for a long time, we rehearsed it for a long time, then you shoot it and it's done. It's kind of strange to put all this work into something that's going to be maybe a minute long [on film]."

So maybe Jor-El puts up a fight and locks Zod in the phantom zone. That’ll be pretty sweet.

Also in a interview Shannon was asked if the iconic “Kneel Before Zod” line will be uttered in the film and his answer is…interesting.

He says “its not a sure thing that there will be any kneeling in the film, its not a dead issue, but it’s not a certainty.” There is only two reasons that he doesn’t know, One being that the script is being re-written (most likely) or two that there are sections of the script that still hasn’t been given to him in order to keep the ending from being leaked.

Also recently there have been some weird leaked photos of Clark Kent (I’m assuming due to the lack of suit and the beard) helping or being rescued by the Coast Guard. Now I’m not that big of a Superman fan but I don’t recall Clark ever sporting a beard. Take a look.
(maybe he is flagging for help?)

(now is it just me or does that look like a dog tag?)

Anyway there are some updates of the new Superman movie direct by Zack Snyder, set to be released summer 2013(yes the date got pushed back)

Resident Evil Retribution

After wrapping up filming of The Three Musketeers, director Paul W S Anderson went right on to his next project, Resident Evil 5 also known as Resident Evil: Retribution.

Like the rest of the series it will fallow Alice (played by Milla Jovovich) through the post- apocalyptic world filled with zombies.

There hasn’t been much released about the movie but through interviews with director Anderson and star Jovovich I have pieced together the following.

There will be some new cast added to the movies. The cast will play iconic Resident Evil characters Ada Wong (played by Bingbing Li), Leon S Kennedy (played by Johann Urb) and Barry Burton (played by Kevin Burand).
(Barry Burton, Luther West and Leon S. Kennedy)

There will be cast returning that was previously thought to be dead. They are Carlos Olvera (played by Oded Fehr from Resident Evil 2 and 3) also it is rumored that Rain Ocampo played by Michelle Rodriguez , last seen is the first Resident Evil turning all zombie like then being killed by Matt Addison (played by Eric Mabius). So maybe there will be some flash back scenes to the first movie.

Also returning is Sienna Guillory’s Jill Valentine, Boris Kodjoe’s Luther West and Shawn Roberts’ Albert Wesker (you really didn’t he died last time around did you?)

The movie will return to Raccoon City, the ground zero of the zombie outbreak. This is proven by set photos tweeted by Jovovich. Now this could be in flash backs to the first two films or they may go and revisit for old times’ sake.

Anderson has said that he get some inspiration from the games, and that he wants to have the zombie’s to be infected by the Las Plagas and that he wants the undead to “run around, ride motorbikes, and shoot machine guns.” He is also planning a chase scene that is taken from the fifth game “where the characters are driving in a Hummer through the desert and they’re being chased by zombies shooting machine guns on motorbikes. We’ve taken that and we’ve kind of run with it. We’re not gonna use a Hummer this time we’re gonna use a Rolls Royce Phantom, cause no one’s ever done a car chase with a Rolls Royce Phantom before. And I’ve discovered why, because it’s really, really expensive.”
(Rolls Royce Phantom)

If the movie fallows the trends of the first four then it should be a great action flick, but not stay true the video game series at all. Like how Alice is the star of the movie series but does not appear at all during the games. But that is a rant for another day.

Resident Evil Retribution is due to come out next summer.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chronicle Trailer

I was looking at recently released movie trailers while watching the Bucs take on the Bears. And I came across a trailer for Chronicle. I clicked on the trailer because of the poster , not because of the name because frankly its sucks.


The poster is taken in Seattle (the Space Needle gave that away) on a stormy day. I looked harder and it seemed to have three people floating in the air. My thoughts went straight to that maybe this will be another horrible Alien flick but I was greatly surprised as the seconds ticked by on the trailer.

Here is the trailer watch for yourself.

Ok the first twenty seconds sucked bad. What horrible way to start a trailer for a superhero/alien movie, even if it is directed towards a high school audience.

Moving on;

When the kids stabbed the other with the fork, I was hooked. Then the whole teddy bear scene made me laugh so hard. The car theft scene was eh, till the guy said “yes it was the black guy this time” that is great writing.

Then it develops the story of one of the three friends turns “evil” because as we all know power is turns us greedy and with great power comes great responsibility.

And yes I just quoted Spiderman.

Even though the trailer developed the story, it did not give away the whole movie. It left some mystery and now a days people want way to much from trailers and studios are giving way to much away.

The super power they have reminds me of the Force mixed with a little bit of Magneto, which is a cool twist.

Towards the end of the trailer, the trailer rewinds itself and it shows the three friends climbing into a cave, well or a crater? I am not quite sure which. But if you pause just right you can see something blue (and shiny?) which leads me to believe the theory that this will end up being an alien movie (but this take on it would be pretty sweet) or some type of ancient power. Like the three friends find some mystical “thing” that gives them great power.

Either way seems pretty awesome. That’s the plot I have picked up on, now let’s talk about the tech side.

This film marks theatrical debut of director Josh Trank who had previously worked on TV miniseries “The Kill Point” back in 2007. “The Kill Point” is a great series definitely recommend checking that out.

Chronicle is written by relatively unknown screen writer Max Landis.

It also stars relatively unknown actors, which in my opinion adds to the awesomeness of the movie and gives to a more believable story. Sometimes its hard to believe an actor as an character because they have been in so much that you see them as an actor and not as the character.

I think for movies like this the best thing to do is to get up and coming actors to star because it helps save money in the acting department in order to put it towards more important things like CGI. And this flick seems very heavy on CGI and so again this will help the movie.

One thing I noticed is that a lot of the shots (in the trailer) was filmed in the same manner as Clover Field, using the first person/ handheld camera technique, which adds to the realness factor of the movie. And I think that is what caught my attention most from the trailer. A lot of the trailer felt like these three kids where just “chronicling” their adventures which might be why they chose the title “Chronicle.”

Set to be released in February of 2012, Chronicle shall definitely be an interesting flick to see.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Django Unchained

I recently found out about this new movie project that is being lead by Writer/Director Quentin Tarantino, the movie is titled “Django Unchained”. I can’t find much about the film expect for a small synopsis by Tarantino and some of the casting of the main characters.

“A slave-turned-bounty hunter sets out to rescue his wife from the brutal Calvin Candie, a Mississippi plantation owner. “

Now just knowing that Quentin Tarantino is writing/directing this picture, you know it’s going have an amazing story. I mean Tarantino is probably top ten movie makers of the 21st century. If you haven’t seen Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs or Inglorious Bastards stop reading this right now, slap yourself once and go to whatever place you rent movies from and enjoy a night of entertainment.

He stated back in 2007 during an interview that he want to do a spaghetti western with real issues. Saying that he want "to do movies that deal with America's horrible past with slavery and stuff but do them like spaghetti westerns, not like big issue movies. I want to do them like they're genre films, but they deal with everything that America has never dealt with because it's ashamed of it, and other countries don't really deal with because they don't feel they have the right to"

That’s pretty deep for a “pulp” movie maker.

If just knowing Tarantino was involved wasn’t enough to sell you on seeing this flick maybe knowing that the very talented actor Jamie Foxx is playing bounty hunter Django. This Oscar award winning actor can do it all. From action star in movies like The Kingdom and Collateral to serious actor in Ray and Law Abiding Citizen, I can honestly say just having this A-Lister in the movie is going to make it Golden.

And I know this is going to make sound like a broken record BUT if knowing that Tarantino and Foxx wasn’t enough to sell you on the movie, playing the part of Mississippi plantation owner Calvin Candie is the talented Leonardo DiCaprio. Although he has never walked away from the Oscars with an Oscar he has been nominated 3 times and I think should have been nominated again for his work on “The Departed”

Man, this star studded movie is going to make a lot of noise. But those two actors aren’t the only ones, its going to have veteran Tarantino actors Christoph Waltz and Samuel L. Jackson and rumored Kurt Russell.

I’ll keep your guys updated when I learn about it but Django Unchained is set to be released December 2012.